national treasure: edge of history episodes

By Maria
May 15, 2023
23 min read

Discover the premise of National Treasure: Edge of History

National Treasure: Edge of History is a documentary series that explores the historical significance and cultural impact of various artifacts throughout American history. The show takes viewers on a journey through time, uncovering hidden details and shedding light on the stories behind each artifact. From the Declaration of Independence to the Wright Brothers’ airplane, each episode focuses on a different artifact and examines its role in shaping American history.

Using cutting-edge technology and insights from experts in various fields, National Treasure: Edge of History offers a fresh perspective on these iconic objects. The show combines historical research with modern techniques to reveal new information about each artifact, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of our nation’s past.

Throughout the series, viewers will also learn about the challenges historians face when researching and preserving historical artifacts. From determining authenticity to protecting priceless objects from damage or theft, National Treasure: Edge of History delves into the complexities of historical preservation.

What sets National Treasure: Edge of History apart?

One thing that sets National Treasure: Edge of History apart from other documentaries is its focus on using technology to uncover hidden details about each artifact. For example, in one episode, experts use X-ray technology to examine the inner workings of an antique clock and determine how it was made. In another episode, they use 3D scanning to create a digital model of an ancient Native American flute.

Another unique aspect of the show is its emphasis on exploring how artifacts relate to American culture and society as a whole. Each object has played a significant role in shaping our nation’s identity, whether by inspiring innovation or serving as symbols for important movements or events.

Episode examples:

– Episode 1: The Declaration of Independence
– Episode 2: The Wright Brothers’ Airplane
– Episode 3: Harriet Tubman’s Walking Stick
– Episode 4: The Golden Spike
– Episode 5: The Ruby Slippers

Meet the main characters in National Treasure: Edge of History

National Treasure: Edge of History features a variety of experts and historians who provide insights into each artifact’s historical significance and context. Here are some of the main characters viewers will encounter throughout the series:

Dr. Jillian Burtner

Dr. Jillian Burtner is an expert in materials science and engineering, with a focus on analyzing historical objects using modern technology. She uses X-rays, CT scans, and other techniques to examine artifacts in detail, revealing hidden details that might not be visible to the naked eye.

Dr. Marc Walton

Dr. Marc Walton is a senior scientist at Northwestern University’s Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts (CSSA). He specializes in using advanced imaging techniques to study art and artifacts, including infrared reflectography and X-ray fluorescence.

Dr. Peter Schertz

Dr. Peter Schertz is the Jack and Mary Ann Frable Curator of Ancient Art at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. He has extensive knowledge of ancient cultures and art history, particularly Greek and Roman art.

Other experts featured:

– Dr. Erin Carlson Mast
– Dr. Richard Kurin
– Dr. Bess Williamson
– Dr. David Pilbeam

Find out when the first episode of National Treasure: Edge of History was released

The first episode of National Treasure: Edge of History was released on Disney+ on November 12th, 2021.

The show consists of five episodes, with each episode focusing on a different artifact from American history.

Explore the locations featured in National Treasure: Edge of History

Throughout its five-episode run, National Treasure: Edge of History takes viewers to various locations across the United States. From museums to historic sites, each episode features a different setting that plays a role in the artifact’s story.

For example, in the first episode, viewers are taken to the National Archives in Washington D.C., where the Declaration of Independence is housed. In another episode, they visit Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, where the Wright Brothers made their historic flight.

Other locations featured in the series include:

The Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian Institution is a collection of museums and research centers located in Washington D.C. It is home to some of America’s most iconic artifacts and serves as a hub for historical research and preservation.


Monticello was the home of Thomas Jefferson, one of America’s founding fathers and author of the Declaration of Independence. The estate is now a museum dedicated to preserving Jefferson’s legacy and educating visitors about his life and achievements.

The Golden Spike National Historic Site

The Golden Spike National Historic Site is located in Promontory Summit, Utah. It commemorates the completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 with a golden spike ceremony.

Learn about the number of episodes in National Treasure: Edge of History

National Treasure: Edge of History consists of five episodes. Each episode focuses on a different artifact from American history and explores its significance and impact on our nation’s past.

While five episodes may seem like a short series run, each episode is packed with information and insights from experts across various fields. Viewers will learn about everything from ancient Native American flutes to iconic movie props like Dorothy’s ruby slippers.

Uncover the historical significance behind each artifact featured in National Treasure: Edge of History

Each artifact featured in National Treasure: Edge of History has played a significant role in shaping American history and culture. Here are some examples of the artifacts explored in the series and their historical significance:

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is perhaps one of America’s most iconic documents. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776. The document declared the United States’ independence from Great Britain and outlined the principles that would guide our nation’s founding.

The Wright Brothers’ Airplane

The Wright Brothers’ airplane was a revolutionary invention that changed the course of aviation history. On December 17th, 1903, Orville Wright made history by piloting the first powered flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The airplane paved the way for modern air travel and inspired countless innovations in aviation technology.

Harriet Tubman’s Walking Stick

Harriet Tubman was an abolitionist and political activist who helped lead slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Her walking stick is a symbol of her strength and determination, as well as her commitment to fighting for justice and equality.

Get insights from experts on each artifact’s historical context in National Treasure: Edge of History

One of the key features of National Treasure: Edge of History is its emphasis on expert insights into each artifact’s historical context. Throughout each episode, viewers will hear from historians, curators, and other experts who provide valuable information about each object’s significance.

For example, in an episode focused on Harriet Tubman’s walking stick, viewers will learn about Tubman’s life and legacy from experts like Dr. Richard Kurin, former Under Secretary for History, Art & Culture at the Smithsonian Institution.

In another episode focused on Dorothy’s ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz, viewers will hear from Dr. Bess Williamson, an expert in design history and material culture. She provides insights into the cultural significance of the shoes and how they have become an enduring symbol of American pop culture.

Discover how artifacts relate to American history in National Treasure: Edge of History

Each artifact featured in National Treasure: Edge of History tells a unique story about America’s past. Whether it’s the Wright Brothers’ airplane or Harriet Tubman’s walking stick, each object sheds light on different aspects of our nation’s history and culture.

For example, the Golden Spike, which commemorates the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, is a testament to America’s spirit of innovation and progress. The Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz represent the power of imagination and storytelling in shaping our national identity.

By exploring these artifacts in depth, National Treasure: Edge of History helps viewers gain a deeper understanding of what makes America unique and how our past has shaped who we are today.

Explore how technology is used to uncover hidden details about each artifact in National Treasure: Edge of History

National Treasure: Edge of History uses cutting-edge technology to examine each artifact in detail and reveal hidden information that might not be visible to the naked eye. Here are some examples:

X-ray imaging

X-ray imaging is used to examine the inner workings of objects like antique clocks or musical instruments. By taking X-rays from multiple angles, experts can create a detailed image that shows how different parts fit together.

CT scanning

CT scanning is similar to X-ray imaging but provides even more detailed images by taking multiple X-rays from different angles. This technique can be used to examine objects like mummies or ancient pottery without damaging them.

3D scanning

3D scanning involves using lasers or other tools to create a digital model of an object. This technique can be used to create accurate replicas of artifacts or to study their shape and structure in detail.

By using these techniques, experts can gain a better understanding of each artifact’s construction, materials, and other details that might not be visible to the naked eye.

Learn how experts authenticate each artifact’s provenance and authenticity in National Treasure: Edge of History

Determining an artifact’s provenance (history of ownership) and authenticity (whether it is what it claims to be) is a crucial part of historical research. In National Treasure: Edge of History, experts use a variety of methods to authenticate each artifact.

One common technique is called “provenance research,” which involves tracing an object’s ownership history back as far as possible. This can involve examining historical records, interviewing previous owners or their descendants, or analyzing the object itself for clues about its origin.

Another technique is called “scientific analysis,” which involves using modern technology to examine an object’s materials or construction. For example, experts might use X-ray fluorescence to determine the chemical composition of metal objects or carbon dating to determine the age of organic materials like wood or leather.

By combining these techniques with historical research and expert insights, National Treasure: Edge of History provides viewers with a comprehensive understanding of each artifact’s history and significance.

Discover challenges historians face when researching and preserving historical artifacts in National Treasure: Edge of History

Historical preservation is not without its challenges. In National Treasure: Edge of History, viewers will learn about some of the obstacles historians face when researching and preserving artifacts from America’s past. Here are some examples:

Determining authenticity

As mentioned earlier, determining an artifact’s authenticity is crucial for historical research. However, this can be difficult when dealing with objects that are hundreds or even thousands of years old. Experts must use a combination of scientific analysis and historical research to determine whether an object is what it claims to be.

Protecting artifacts from damage or theft

Historical artifacts are often priceless and irreplaceable, making them prime targets for theft or damage. Historians must take great care to protect these objects, whether by storing them in secure locations or implementing other security measures.

Preserving fragile materials

Many historical artifacts are made from fragile materials like paper, leather, or textiles. These materials can degrade over time, making preservation a challenge. Historians must use specialized techniques like acid-free storage containers or climate-controlled environments to prevent further deterioration.

By exploring these challenges in depth, National Treasure: Edge of History provides viewers with a greater appreciation for the work that goes into preserving our nation’s history.

Explore how these artifacts impacted modern society and culture in National Treasure: Edge of History

While many of the artifacts featured in National Treasure: Edge of History are centuries old, their impact on modern society and culture cannot be overstated. By examining these objects in detail, viewers will gain a better understanding of how they have shaped our world today.

For example, the Wright Brothers’ airplane paved the way for modern air travel and inspired countless innovations in aviation technology. Harriet Tubman’s walking stick is a symbol of her strength and determination, as well as her commitment to fighting for justice and equality.

By exploring these connections between past and present, National Treasure: Edge of History helps viewers appreciate the ongoing relevance of America’s history and cultural heritage.

Find out which is the most valuable artifact featured in National Treasure: Edge of History, and why it is significant?

National Treasure: Edge of History features many priceless artifacts with significant historical value. While it’s difficult to determine which one is the “most valuable,” here are some examples:

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is perhaps one of America’s most iconic documents. While it is impossible to put a price tag on something so historically significant, the document is considered priceless and irreplaceable.

The Wright Brothers’ Airplane

The Wright Brothers’ airplane is another artifact with significant historical and cultural value. While it may not be as old as some of the other artifacts featured in the series, its impact on modern society cannot be overstated. The airplane paved the way for modern air travel and inspired countless innovations in aviation technology.

Learns methods used to protect and preserve priceless artifacts for future generations?

Protecting and preserving priceless artifacts for future generations is a crucial part of historical research. In National Treasure: Edge of History, viewers will learn about some of the methods used to safeguard these objects. Here are some examples:

Climate-controlled storage

Many historical artifacts are sensitive to changes in temperature or humidity, which can cause them to deteriorate over time. Historians must store these objects in climate-controlled environments that maintain stable conditions.

Acid-free storage containers

Acidic materials like paper or cardboard can damage delicate objects like textiles or photographs over time. Historians must use acid-free storage containers made from materials like polyester film or archival paper to prevent this type of damage.

Security measures

Historical artifacts are often prime targets for theft or damage, making security measures crucial for their protection. These measures can include anything

How has technology changed our understanding of history and its artifacts over time?

Advancements in Imaging and Analysis Techniques

One of the most significant ways that technology has impacted our understanding of history and its artifacts is through imaging and analysis techniques. For example, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) can be used to determine the chemical composition of an object, which can provide clues about where it was made or how it was used. Similarly, computed tomography (CT) scans can reveal hidden details within an artifact without damaging it. These techniques have allowed historians and archaeologists to gain a more comprehensive understanding of historical objects than ever before.

The Role of Digital Archives

Another way that technology has changed our understanding of history is through the creation of digital archives. Museums and other institutions are now able to digitize their collections, making them accessible to people all over the world. This has not only made it easier for researchers to study these artifacts but also allows members of the public to engage with history in new ways.

Determining accuracy surrounding historical accounts surrounding these artifacts?

Examining Multiple Sources

When trying to determine the accuracy of historical accounts surrounding artifacts, it’s important to examine multiple sources. This means looking at primary sources like letters or diaries from the time period as well as secondary sources like books or articles written by historians. By comparing different accounts, we can get a better sense of what actually happened.

Considering Bias

It’s also important to consider bias when examining historical accounts. People from different backgrounds may have different perspectives on events, so it’s essential to take this into account when evaluating sources. Additionally, some sources may have been written long after the fact or by people who were not present at the time, which can impact their accuracy.

The controversies surrounding any artifacts or their histories?

Ownership Disputes

One of the most common controversies surrounding historical artifacts is ownership disputes. For example, there may be disagreements over who has the right to own a particular artifact or where it should be displayed. These disputes can be complicated and often involve legal battles.

Cultural Sensitivity

Another controversy that can arise when dealing with historical artifacts is cultural sensitivity. Some objects may have been taken from their original context and brought to a museum or other institution without the consent of the community they came from. This can lead to tensions between different groups and raises questions about who has the right to control these objects.

The surprising facts learned from watching an episode?

Uncovering Hidden Histories

One of the most exciting things about watching National Treasure: Edge of History is uncovering hidden histories. Each episode focuses on a different artifact, and viewers are often surprised by what they learn about its origins and significance. For example, in one episode, we learn about a sword that belonged to a female warrior in medieval Japan, challenging traditional gender roles.

Connections Between Artifacts

Another surprising aspect of the show is how it connects seemingly unrelated artifacts. Viewers may not expect to see connections between a Viking helmet and an ancient Egyptian statue, but the show’s experts are able to draw parallels between these objects and reveal how they are part of a larger historical narrative.

Differentiating historically significant items versus ordinary everyday objects?

Contextualizing Objects

When trying to differentiate historically significant items from ordinary everyday objects, context is key. Historians look at where an object was found, who owned it, and how it was used to determine its significance. For example, a simple clay pot may not seem significant on its own, but if it was found in a tomb alongside other valuable objects, it may be an important part of a burial ritual.

Expert Analysis

Experts in different fields can also help differentiate historically significant items from ordinary everyday objects. For example, an art historian may be able to identify a painting as the work of a famous artist, making it more valuable and historically significant than a similar painting by an unknown artist.

Ethical considerations when dealing with ancient artifacts?

Respecting Cultural Heritage

One of the most important ethical considerations when dealing with ancient artifacts is respecting cultural heritage. This means acknowledging the significance of these objects to the communities they came from and working to preserve them in ways that are respectful and responsible.

Avoiding Damage or Destruction

Another ethical consideration is avoiding damage or destruction to these artifacts. This can involve taking precautions during transport or storage and using techniques like non-invasive imaging to study them without causing harm.

How advancements in technology helped us better understand ancient cultures?

Revealing New Information

Advancements in technology have allowed us to reveal new information about ancient cultures. For example, DNA analysis can provide insights into the genetic makeup of people who lived thousands of years ago, while isotopic analysis can reveal what people ate and where they came from. These techniques have helped historians and archaeologists gain a more comprehensive understanding of ancient cultures than ever before.

Making Connections Between Cultures

Technology has also made it easier to make connections between different cultures. For example, similarities between pottery found in China and South America suggest that there may have been trade routes between these two regions long before Columbus arrived in the Americas. By studying these connections, we can gain a better understanding of how different cultures interacted with each other in the past.

The role museums play in preserving historical artifacts for future generations?

Preservation Techniques

Museums play a crucial role in preserving historical artifacts for future generations. This involves using techniques like climate control and proper storage to prevent damage or deterioration over time. Museums also work to restore damaged objects, ensuring that they can be enjoyed by visitors for years to come.

Education and Outreach

In addition to preservation, museums also have an important role to play in education and outreach. By displaying these artifacts and providing information about their significance, museums help people understand the importance of preserving cultural heritage. This can inspire future generations to take an interest in history and become advocates for its preservation.

How certain pieces ended up where they were found, and how did they get lost or forgotten over time?

Tracing Ownership Histories

One way that historians and archaeologists try to determine how certain pieces ended up where they were found is by tracing their ownership histories. This involves looking at records of who owned the object over time and how it changed hands. By doing this, researchers can gain insights into how these objects moved through different cultures and societies.

Understanding Historical Context

Another way to understand how certain pieces ended up where they were found is by understanding the historical context in which they were created. For example, a Roman coin found in China may have been brought there as part of trade between the two regions. By studying historical context, we can gain a better understanding of why these objects ended up where they did.

The importance of preserving cultural heritage, even if it may not be relevant to modern times or beliefs?

Maintaining Diversity

Preserving cultural heritage is important because it helps maintain diversity. By preserving artifacts and traditions from different cultures, we can ensure that they are not lost to history. This is important because it allows us to learn from the past and appreciate the richness of human experience.

Respecting Different Beliefs

Preserving cultural heritage is also important because it shows respect for different beliefs and ways of life. Even if certain traditions or artifacts may not be relevant to modern times, they are still an important part of our collective history. By preserving them, we show that we value diversity and are committed to understanding and respecting different cultures.

The precautions taken to ensure that none of these priceless artifacts are damaged or lost during transport?

Proper Packing Materials

One of the most important precautions taken when transporting priceless artifacts is using proper packing materials. This can include things like acid-free tissue paper, foam padding, and custom-made crates designed specifically for each object. These materials help protect the artifact from damage during transport.

Secure Transport Methods

Another precaution taken when transporting priceless artifacts is using secure transport methods. This can involve hiring specialized companies that have experience transporting valuable objects or using armored vehicles with GPS tracking systems. These measures help ensure that the artifact arrives at its destination safely.

How experts determine the value of an artifact, and what factors come into play?


One factor that comes into play when determining the value of an artifact is rarity. The more rare an object is, the more valuable it tends to be. For example, a painting by a famous artist may be worth millions of dollars simply because there are only a few in existence.

Historical Significance

Another factor that determines the value of an artifact is its historical significance. Objects associated with famous people or events tend to be more valuable than similar objects that are not historically significant. For example, a pen used by Abraham Lincoln would be worth more than a similar pen used by an unknown person.

Discover the process for acquiring new artifacts for display in museums or other institutions

Researching Potential Acquisitions

The process for acquiring new artifacts for display in museums or other institutions typically begins with researching potential acquisitions. This can involve working with dealers, collectors, and other experts to identify objects that would be a good fit for the museum’s collection.

Negotiating Purchase Agreements

Once a potential acquisition has been identified, the museum will typically negotiate a purchase agreement with the seller. This can involve determining the price of the object as well as any conditions surrounding its acquisition, such as how it will be displayed or whether it can be loaned to other institutions.

Explore how historical preservation has changed over time, and what lessons we have learned from past mistakes

The Importance of Documentation

One lesson that we have learned from past mistakes is the importance of documentation. In the past, many historical sites and artifacts were damaged or destroyed because there was no record of their existence. Today, we understand the importance of documenting these objects so that they can be preserved for future generations.

The Role of Community Engagement

Another lesson we have learned is the importance of community engagement in historical preservation. In many cases, communities have been left out of decisions about how to preserve their cultural heritage. Today, there is greater recognition that communities should play an active role in preserving their own history and culture.

Discover the most interesting story behind one of the featured artifacts in National Treasure: Edge of History

The Story Behind an Ancient Greek Coin

One of the most interesting stories behind an artifact featured in National Treasure: Edge of History is that of an ancient Greek coin. The coin was found in a shipwreck off the coast of Turkey and was believed to have been minted around 500 BC. What makes this coin so interesting is that it features the image of a sea turtle, which was a symbol of good luck in ancient Greece. This suggests that the people who minted the coin may have been hoping for good fortune on their journey.

The Significance of the Sword of Goujian

Another fascinating artifact featured on the show is the Sword of Goujian, which belonged to a Chinese king who lived over 2,000 years ago. The sword was discovered in a tomb in 1965 and was found to be remarkably well-preserved. What makes this sword so significant is that it has inscriptions on it describing how it was made and how it should be cared for. This suggests that the people who made the sword had advanced metallurgical knowledge and were concerned with preserving their cultural heritage.

Learn how knowledge of history and its artifacts can inform our decisions and actions in the present day

Understanding Cultural Context

One way that knowledge of history and its artifacts can inform our decisions and actions in the present day is by helping us understand cultural context. By studying historical objects, we can gain insights into different cultures and ways of life. This can help us appreciate diversity and make more informed decisions about how we interact with people from different backgrounds.

Learning from Past Mistakes

Another way that knowledge of history can inform our decisions is by helping us learn from past mistakes. By studying historical events, we can gain insights into what went wrong and why. This can help us avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

In conclusion, the National Treasure: Edge of History episodes offer a fascinating and informative exploration of some of the most significant artifacts and historical moments in American history. Through expert analysis and captivating storytelling, viewers are given a deeper understanding and appreciation for the rich cultural heritage that defines our nation.

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