Discover the Unconditional Love Behind Why Dogs Lick You!

By Maria
January 30, 2023
6 min read

1. Introduction

Dogs are our loyal companions, and it’s no surprise that many of us enjoy their affectionate licks. But why do dogs lick us? Is it simply a sign of affection or does it have a deeper meaning? In this article, we will explore the reasons why dogs lick people and how to stop them from licking excessively.

2. What Does Licking Mean for Dogs?

Licking is a natural behavior for dogs and has been an important part of their lives since they were puppies. For puppies, licking is a way to show submission to their mother and siblings and gain acceptance into the pack. As adults, licking can be used as a way to show affection or even as a form of communication.

3. Why Do Dogs Lick People?

There are several reasons why dogs may lick people, but the most common is simply because they enjoy it! Dogs love physical contact and when they lick us, they are showing their affection for us in the same way that humans hug or kiss each other.

In addition to the pleasure associated with licking, there may also be some evolutionary reasons behind this behavior. In the wild, wolves would groom each other by licking which would help keep them clean and free of parasites. This behavior has been passed down to domesticated dogs who still retain some of these instincts today.

4. Physical Reasons for Dog Licking

In addition to being an expression of love, there may be some physical reasons why your dog is licking you such as:
• They want something: Your dog may be trying to get your attention in order to ask for something like food or playtime.
• They’re curious: Dogs are naturally curious creatures and may just be exploring you with their tongue!
• They’re thirsty: If your dog has been panting heavily after exercise or playing outside in hot weather then they may just be trying to cool down with a quick lick!

5. Social Reasons for Dog Licking

Your dog could also be using licking as a way of communicating with you and other animals around them such as cats or other dogs in the house. For example, if your dog licks another animal then this could be seen as an act of submissiveness which shows that they don’t want any trouble from them! Similarly, if your dog licks you then this could be seen as an act of respect which shows that they trust you and want to be close to you!

6. Is It Safe to Let Your Dog Lick You?

Although most cases of dog licking are harmless and just show affection between two beings, there are some instances where it can become dangerous such as when your pup has recently eaten something toxic or if they have open wounds on their tongue/mouth area which could transfer bacteria onto you if licked too much! Therefore it is always best practice to keep an eye on your pup when they start licking excessively so that you can make sure everything is ok before allowing them any further contact with yourself or others around them!

7. How To Stop Your Dog From Excessive Licking

If your pup starts excessive licking then it’s important that you take action quickly in order to prevent any potential health risks from occurring due to bacteria transfer etc… Firstly try redirecting their attention away from themselves by providing them with toys/treats/activities etc… If this doesn’t work then try distracting them by calling out commands such as ‘sit’ ‘stay’ ‘down’ etc… Finally if all else fails then gently but firmly tell them ‘no’ until they stop what they are doing before rewarding them with praise once they have done so!

8. Understanding The Different Types Of Dog Licks And What They Mean.

Just like humans have different types of hugs ( bear hug vs side hug),dogs also have different types of licks depending on what message they wish to convey.
Here are some examples :
– A slow gentle lick usually means affection.
– A fast darting lick usually means excitement.
– A long lingering lick usually means submission.
– A light touch on the face usually means comfort.
– A hard lick usually means dominance.
– Multiple quick licks usually mean anxiety.
It’s important for pet owners understand these different types so that we can better interpret our pet’s behavior & emotions.

9. Conclusion

It’s clear that there are many reasons why dogs might lick people including expressing love & affection,communicating through body language,seeking attention & even cooling off after exercise.It’s important however,to pay attention when our pets start exhibiting excessive licking behaviors so we can take appropriate measures.With proper understanding & training,we can ensure both ourselves & our pets stay safe & healthy!


Why do dogs lick their human owners?

They show you their love. A dog licks its mothers mouth as a puppy and is licked by its mother. They can maintain this structure even as they age. It can also be polite to show respect by licking yourself.

Is it OK to let dogs lick you?

Do you need to lick your dog? A dog licking the face or other parts of the body poses a minimal health risk to healthy people. Avoid dogs licking near your mouth or open skin wounds if they care for you.

Does my dog really love me?

Your dog may jump up to you lick your face and wag their tail openly. Being excited and happy to see you is a way of reassuring them that they love and miss you. They seek physical contact. This may soon come in the form of a snuggle or popular expectation.

Do dogs lick human private areas?

It turns out that dogs can actually pick up pheromones produced by their sweaty genitalia and these pheromones carry a lot of information about us: our diet our mood our health whether a woman is pregnant or not. On menstruation.

Can dogs get STD from humans?

Dear Woody In general sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) including HIV that are associated with sexual contact in humans are species-specific infections and therefore are not transmitted through contact.

Do dogs know they’re being kissed?

Do dogs like to be kissed? In fact the first question you should ask yourself is whether dogs know how to kiss people. It turns out that while dogs are pretty good at recognizing human emotions they dont inherently know what a kiss is.

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