museum of natural history nyc

By Maria
May 15, 2023
22 min read

History of the Museum of Natural History in NYC

The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) was founded in 1869 by a group of naturalists, scientists, and businessmen who sought to establish an institution that would promote the study and appreciation of natural history. The museum’s first home was located on the corner of 77th Street and Central Park West in New York City. Over the years, the museum has grown significantly, with numerous expansions and additions to its collection.

Today, the AMNH is one of the largest museums in the world, with over 33 million specimens and artifacts in its collections. The museum is also home to a number of research facilities and scientific departments, including anthropology, astrophysics, earth sciences, entomology, herpetology, ichthyology, ornithology, mammalogy, paleontology, and more.


Over the years, the AMNH has undergone several major expansions to accommodate its growing collections and research programs. In 1874, just five years after it was founded, the museum moved to a larger location on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Since then, there have been numerous additions and renovations to the building complex.

One major expansion occurred in 2000 with the opening of the Rose Center for Earth and Space. This new facility houses a planetarium as well as exhibits on astronomy and space exploration.

Research Programs

In addition to its extensive collections and exhibits, the AMNH is also home to a number of research programs that focus on various aspects of natural history. These programs are staffed by scientists from around the world who conduct cutting-edge research on topics such as biodiversity conservation, evolutionary biology, paleontology, ecology, geology,and more.

The museum’s research facilities include state-of-the-art laboratories for studying everything from DNA to fossils. The AMNH also maintains a large library and archives that contain rare books, manuscripts, and other materials related to natural history.

The Main Focus of Exhibits at the Museum of Natural History

The AMNH is known for its extensive collection of exhibits on natural history, including displays on dinosaurs, mammals, birds, insects, plants, and more. The museum’s exhibits are designed to educate visitors about the diversity of life on Earth and the processes that shape our planet.


One of the most popular exhibits at the AMNH is its collection of dinosaur fossils. The museum has one of the largest collections of dinosaur fossils in the world, with over 600 specimens on display. Visitors can see full-sized skeletons of famous dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex and Stegosaurus as well as many lesser-known species.

Human Origins

Another major focus of the museum’s exhibits is human origins. The AMNH has an extensive collection of artifacts and fossils related to human evolution, including casts of early hominid skulls and tools used by our ancient ancestors.


The AMNH also has a number of exhibits that focus on biodiversity and conservation. These displays showcase different ecosystems around the world and highlight some of the threats facing these habitats today.

The Number of Floors at the Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History has a total of four floors open to visitors. Each floor features a variety of exhibits focused on different aspects of natural history.

First Floor

The first floor is home to several popular exhibits, including:

– The Hall of Biodiversity
– The Milstein Hall of Ocean Life
– The Rose Center for Earth and Space

Second Floor

On the second floor visitors can find:

– The Hall of Human Origins
– The Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs
– The Hall of Ornithischian Dinosaurs

Third Floor

The third floor is home to exhibits on:

– Mammals and their Evolution
– North American Forests
– Asian Peoples

Fourth Floor

The fourth floor features exhibits on:

– African Peoples
– Pacific Peoples
– The Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites

The Most Popular Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

One of the most popular exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History is the Rose Center for Earth and Space. This exhibit, which opened in 2000, features a number of interactive displays and multimedia presentations focused on astronomy and space exploration.

The centerpiece of the Rose Center is a massive sphere that houses the museum’s planetarium. Visitors can attend shows that explore different aspects of space science, from black holes to the search for extraterrestrial life.

Other popular exhibits at the AMNH include:

– The Hall of Biodiversity
– The Milstein Hall of Ocean Life
– The Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs

The Designer Behind the Iconic Blue Whale Exhibit at the Museum of Natural History

The iconic blue whale exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History was designed by James Perry Wilson, an artist and naturalist who worked for the museum from 1928 until his death in 1986. Wilson was known for his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to create lifelike models of animals and plants.

Wilson’s design for the blue whale exhibit involved creating a full-sized model of a female blue whale that would be suspended from the ceiling in one of the museum’s halls. To create this model, Wilson first studied photographs and measurements taken from actual blue whales.

Once he had all the necessary data, Wilson began sculpting the whale’s body out of clay. He then created a mold from this sculpture and used it to cast the final model in fiberglass.

The finished blue whale model is 94 feet long and weighs over 20,000 pounds. It is suspended from the ceiling of the museum’s Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, where visitors can walk beneath it and marvel at its size and beauty.

The Planetarium Located Within the Museum of Natural History

The Hayden Planetarium is located within the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History. The planetarium features a state-of-the-art digital projection system that allows visitors to explore different aspects of space science.

Visitors can attend shows that explore topics such as black holes, dark matter, and the search for extraterrestrial life. The planetarium also offers special programs for children, including interactive exhibits and hands-on activities.

In addition to its public programs, the Hayden Planetarium is also home to a number of research projects focused on astronomy and astrophysics. These projects are conducted by scientists from around the world who use data collected by telescopes and other instruments to study everything from exoplanets to distant galaxies.

The Number of Dinosaur Skeletons on Display at the Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History has one of the largest collections of dinosaur fossils in the world, with over 600 specimens on display. This collection includes full-sized skeletons as well as individual bones and casts.

Some of the most famous dinosaur skeletons on display at the AMNH include:

– Tyrannosaurus rex
– Stegosaurus
– Triceratops
– Allosaurus

In addition to these well-known species, there are also many lesser-known dinosaurs on display at the museum. Visitors can see fossils from species like Deinonychus, Oviraptor, and Protoceratops, among others.

What Makes the Butterfly Exhibit Unique at the Museum of Natural History?

The butterfly exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History is a unique experience that allows visitors to get up close and personal with live butterflies from around the world. This exhibit is housed in a specially-designed enclosure that mimics the natural habitat of these beautiful insects.

Visitors can walk through the enclosure and observe butterflies as they fly, feed, and interact with each other. The exhibit also features displays on butterfly anatomy, behavior, and conservation.

One of the most unique aspects of this exhibit is its participation in a global research project called the Butterfly Conservation Initiative. This initiative aims to promote conservation efforts for threatened butterfly species around the world by collecting data on their populations and habitats.

By visiting the butterfly exhibit at the AMNH, visitors can not only learn about these fascinating insects but also contribute to important scientific research aimed at protecting them for future generations.

How Long It Takes to See All Exhibits at the Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History has an extensive collection of exhibits on natural history, including displays on dinosaurs, mammals, birds, insects, plants, and more. With so much to see and do, it can be difficult to know how long it takes to see everything at the museum.

On average, visitors spend between 3-4 hours exploring the museum’s exhibits. However, this can vary depending on a number of factors such as:

– The visitor’s level of interest in different topics
– The size of their group
– Whether they participate in any guided tours or programs

For those who want to see as much as possible during their visit, it may be helpful to plan ahead by reviewing maps and exhibits online before arriving at the museum. This can help visitors prioritize which areas they want to explore first and make sure they don’t miss any must-see exhibits.

Can Visitors Touch Any Specimens on Display at the Museum of Natural History?

In general, visitors to the American Museum of Natural History are not allowed to touch any specimens on display. This is because many of the objects in the museum’s collections are fragile or irreplaceable and could be damaged by handling.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, visitors to the butterfly exhibit are allowed to touch butterflies that have landed on them. There are also some interactive exhibits throughout the museum that allow visitors to touch certain objects under supervision.

Visitors who have questions about which exhibits allow touching should check with museum staff before attempting to handle any objects on display.

Guided Tours Offered at The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History offers a variety of guided tours for visitors who want a more in-depth experience during their visit. These tours cover different aspects of natural history and can be tailored to suit different interests and ages.

Some popular guided tours at the AMNH include:

– Highlights Tour: This tour covers some of the most popular exhibits in the museum, including the dinosaur fossils, human origins displays, and Hall of Biodiversity.
– Behind-the-Scenes Tour: This tour takes visitors behind closed doors to see areas of the museum not normally open to the public, such as research labs and storage areas.
– Night at the Museum Tour: Inspired by the popular movie franchise, this tour takes visitors on a journey through the museum after hours when all the other guests have gone home.
– Family Tours: These tours are designed specifically for families with young children and feature interactive exhibits and activities.

In addition to these guided tours, there are also a number of self-guided audio tours available for rent at the museum’s information desk.

Gift Shop Inside The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History has a large gift shop located near the main entrance. This shop offers a wide variety of souvenirs, gifts, and educational materials related to natural history.

Some popular items available for purchase at the AMNH gift shop include:

– T-shirts, hats, and other apparel featuring museum logos and designs
– Books on natural history topics such as dinosaurs, mammals, and ecology
– Toys and games for children of all ages
– Jewelry and other accessories inspired by nature
– Posters and prints featuring images from the museum’s exhibits

Proceeds from purchases made at the AMNH gift shop help support the museum’s research programs and educational initiatives.

Interactive Exhibits for Children in The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History has a number of interactive exhibits designed specifically for children. These exhibits are designed to be engaging and educational, allowing young visitors to learn about natural history in a fun and exciting way.

Some popular interactive exhibits for children at the AMNH include:

– The Discovery Room: This hands-on exhibit allows children to explore different aspects of natural history through interactive displays and activities.
– The Butterfly Exhibit: As mentioned earlier this exhibit allows visitors to get up close with live butterflies.
– The Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs: This exhibit features full-sized dinosaur skeletons that children can touch and interact with.
– The Milstein Hall of Ocean Life: This exhibit features life-sized models of whales, sharks, and other marine creatures that children can explore up close.

In addition to these exhibits, there are also a number of special programs and events throughout the year aimed specifically at families with young children.

Interesting Facts About Theodore Roosevelt Learned from an Exhibit in The American museum Of National history?

Theodore Roosevelt was one of America’s most iconic presidents, known for his conservation efforts as well as his foreign policy and domestic reforms. The American Museum of Natural History has a special exhibit dedicated to Roosevelt’s life and legacy, which includes a number of interesting facts about his accomplishments and personality.

Some interesting facts about Theodore Roosevelt learned from the exhibit include:

– Roosevelt was the first president to travel outside the United States while in office, visiting Panama in 1906.
– He was an avid outdoorsman who loved hunting, fishing, and hiking.
– Roosevelt established the U.S. Forest Service and created five national parks during his presidency.
– He was known for his progressive policies on issues such as labor rights, consumer protection, and conservation.

The exhibit also features a number of artifacts related to Roosevelt’s life, including his Rough Riders uniform from the Spanish-American War and personal items like his pocket knife and eyeglasses.

Museums Near The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History is located on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, near several other museums and cultural attractions. Visitors who want to explore more of what this area has to offer may want to check out some of these nearby museums:

– The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Located just a few miles south of the AMNH, this world-famous art museum features collections spanning thousands of years and cultures.
– The Frick Collection: Housed in a beautiful mansion on Fifth Avenue, this museum features an extensive collection of European art from the Renaissance through the 19th century.
– The New-York Historical Society: This museum focuses on the history of New York City and features

Cost to Visit The American museum Of National history?

General Admission

The cost of general admission to the American Museum of Natural History varies depending on age and residency status. For adults, the cost is $23 for New York residents and $28 for non-residents. Children ages 2-12 can enter for $13 (NY residents) or $16 (non-residents). Seniors and students with valid ID can enter for $18 (NY residents) or $22 (non-residents).

Special Exhibitions

In addition to general admission, there may be additional fees for special exhibitions at the museum. These fees range from $12-$28 per person, depending on the exhibition.

Free Admission

The American Museum of Natural History offers free admission to certain groups on specific days throughout the year. This includes all visitors on the first Friday of every month from 4-8pm, as well as public school groups and active-duty military personnel.

One Thing Not to Miss When Visiting The American museum Of National history?

If you’re visiting the American Museum of Natural History, one thing you absolutely cannot miss is the Rose Center for Earth and Space. This stunning exhibit features a massive sphere that houses both a planetarium and an exhibit about our universe. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits about space exploration, black holes, and more.

In addition to the Rose Center, visitors should also make sure to check out the Hall of Biodiversity, which showcases some of the most incredible creatures from around the world. The hall features dioramas that recreate different ecosystems, allowing visitors to see animals in their natural habitats.

The Length of Time The American museum Of National history Has Been Open to Visitors

The American Museum of Natural History has been open to visitors since 1869. The museum was founded by a group of naturalists and philanthropists who wanted to create a space where people could learn about the natural world and its history.

Over the years, the museum has grown significantly, adding new exhibits and expanding its research programs. Today, it is one of the largest and most respected natural history museums in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year.

Animals Found in The Hall Of Biodiversity in The American museum Of National history?

The Hall of Biodiversity at the American Museum of Natural History features a wide variety of animals from around the world. Some of the most notable animals on display include:

Blue Whale

  • The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, and visitors can see a life-sized model up close in the Hall of Biodiversity.

Giant Squid

  • The giant squid is one of the most mysterious creatures in the ocean, and visitors can see a preserved specimen on display.

Komodo Dragon

  • The Komodo dragon is one of the largest lizards in the world, and visitors can see a live specimen at the museum.

Monarch Butterfly

  • The monarch butterfly is known for its incredible migration patterns, and visitors can learn more about this fascinating insect at the museum.

Taking Pictures Inside The American museum Of National history Allowed or Not Allowed?

Visitors are allowed to take pictures inside most areas of the American Museum of Natural History. However, there are some restrictions to be aware of:

No Flash Photography

Flash photography is not allowed in certain areas of the museum, including the Butterfly Conservatory and some special exhibitions. This is to protect the delicate specimens on display.

No Tripods or Selfie Sticks

Tripods and selfie sticks are not allowed inside the museum. This is to prevent damage to exhibits and ensure that all visitors have a clear view of the displays.

No Commercial Photography

Commercial photography (i.e. taking pictures for commercial purposes) is not allowed without prior permission from the museum.

The Time It Takes to Get Through One Floor in The American museum Of National history

The amount of time it takes to get through one floor of the American Museum of Natural History can vary depending on a number of factors, including how crowded it is and how much time you spend at each exhibit. However, as a general rule, it takes about 1-2 hours to explore one floor of the museum.

If you’re short on time, you may want to prioritize which exhibits you want to see beforehand so that you can make the most of your visit. Alternatively, if you have more time, consider purchasing a multi-day pass so that you can explore at a more leisurely pace.

Special Events Held Annually in The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History hosts a variety of special events throughout the year. Some annual events include:

Museum Mile Festival

  • Each June, Fifth Avenue is closed off for this festival celebrating New York City’s museums. Visitors can enjoy free admission to participating museums (including AMNH) and live music and performances on the street.

Halloween Celebration

  • Each October, the museum hosts a family-friendly Halloween celebration featuring spooky exhibits, live music, and trick-or-treating.

Origami Holiday Tree

  • Each December, the museum displays a massive tree made entirely out of origami. Visitors can watch origami demonstrations and learn how to make their own paper creations.

The Research Conducted in The American museum Of National history’s Scientific Labs and Centers

The American Museum of Natural History is home to several scientific labs and centers where researchers study a wide range of topics related to natural history. Some of the areas of research include:

Biodiversity and Systematics

This center focuses on understanding the diversity of life on Earth and how different species are related to one another.


This center studies the universe beyond our planet, including black holes, dark matter, and other mysteries of space.


This center studies fossils and ancient life forms to better understand the evolution of life on Earth.

These are just a few examples – there are many more research centers at the museum covering a wide range of topics. Visitors can learn more about these areas of research by attending lectures or exploring interactive exhibits at the museum.

The Number of Visitors to The American museum Of National history Each Year

The American Museum of Natural History is one of the most popular museums in New York City, attracting millions of visitors each year. In 2019 (the last year for which data is available), the museum welcomed over 5 million visitors from around the world.

This high number of visitors is a testament to the museum’s incredible exhibits and educational programs, as well as its reputation as one of the premier natural history museums in the world.

Funding Sources for The American museum Of National history

The American Museum of Natural History receives funding from a variety of sources, including:

Government Grants

The museum receives funding from federal, state, and local governments to support its research and educational programs.

Private Donations

The museum also relies on private donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations to fund its operations. These donations help support everything from new exhibit development to scientific research.

Membership Fees

The museum offers membership programs that provide members with special benefits (such as free admission) in exchange for an annual fee. These fees help support the museum’s ongoing operations.

The Most Popular Exhibit for Children at The American museum Of National history?

There are many exhibits at the American Museum of Natural History that are popular with children, but one of the most beloved is the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs. This exhibit features life-sized models of some of the most famous dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus.

In addition to the dinosaur models, there are interactive exhibits where children can learn about how fossils are formed and what scientists have learned about these ancient creatures. There are also hands-on activities where kids can touch real dinosaur bones and even cast their own fossils!

Total Number of Exhibits at The American museum Of National history?

The American Museum of Natural History has a vast collection of exhibits covering a wide range of topics related to natural history. In total, there are over 30 permanent exhibitions at the museum!

Some of the most popular exhibits include:

The Rose Center for Earth and Space

This exhibit features a massive sphere that houses both a planetarium and an exhibit about our universe.

The Hall of Biodiversity

This exhibit showcases some of the most incredible creatures from around the world, including a life-sized model of a blue whale.

The Butterfly Conservatory

This exhibit allows visitors to walk through a tropical rainforest filled with hundreds of live butterflies.

In addition to these permanent exhibits, there are also several special exhibitions that rotate throughout the year, so there’s always something new to see at the museum!

The Name of the Largest Dinosaur Skeleton on Display at The American museum Of National history?

The largest dinosaur skeleton on display at the American Museum of Natural History is a Titanosaur. This massive herbivore lived over 100 million years ago and weighed as much as 10 elephants!

The Titanosaur skeleton on display at the museum is so large that it can’t fit in one room – instead, it spans two floors! Visitors can get up close to this incredible specimen and learn more about what life was like for these prehistoric giants.

Fossils Found in the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs at The American Museum of Natural History

The Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs at the American Museum of Natural History features some of the most famous dinosaurs in history. Some notable fossils on display include:

Tyrannosaurus Rex

  • A nearly complete T-Rex skeleton is on display, along with interactive exhibits where visitors can learn more about this fearsome predator.


  • This herbivorous dinosaur is known for its distinctive plates on its back, which are on display at the museum.


  • The Triceratops was a large herbivore with three horns on its head. Visitors can see a skull and other fossils from this dinosaur in the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs.

Virtual Tours Available for Those Who Cannot Visit in Person at The American Museum of Natural History?

For those who cannot visit the American Museum of Natural History in person, there are several virtual tour options available:

Google Arts & Culture

The museum has partnered with Google to offer virtual tours of some of its most popular exhibits. Visitors can explore the Rose Center for Earth and Space, the Hall of Biodiversity, and more.

Museum App

The museum’s app includes virtual tours of several exhibits, including the Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs and the Butterfly Conservatory.

Museum Website

The museum’s website features interactive exhibits and videos that allow visitors to explore different areas of the museum from home.

While nothing can replace the experience of visiting the American Museum of Natural History in person, these virtual tour options provide a great way to learn more about natural history from anywhere in the world!

In conclusion, the Museum of Natural History in NYC is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in learning about the natural world and its history. With an extensive collection of exhibits and displays, visitors can explore everything from prehistoric creatures to modern-day ecosystems, making it an educational and enjoyable experience for all ages.

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